Category: Reports
Talking to circumcisers in Iran: Kind women, violent tradition
Talking to circumcisers in Iran: Kind women, violent tradition By Rayehe Mozafarian More than 7000 communities across Africa are working to abandon FGM. But there are some other countries in the Middle East and Asia where FGM is also common as a tradition. Despite the efforts of some organizations in the Middle East and Asia…
WASTED YOUTH; Children’s Rights in Iran
download the complete report here (pdf, word) to find the resources: INTRODUCTION Iran is a young country, with more than 28 million inhabitants under the age of 18 in 2011. However, the vast potential of this young, bright population is largely being squandered as a result of poor education policies, discriminatory legislation and insufficient child…
what did Iranian Activists do during these years against FGM?
FGM in Iran Specific report of Stop FGM in Iran This introduction sets out the context of FGM in the Islamic Republic of Iran and is included to enable a comparison to be drawn between the Indonesian FGM landscape and that in Iran. In Iran, women who undergo FGM – often called Khatne or Sonat…
Some information about our campaign in Iran
Some information about our campaign in Iran Female Mutilation is a book by Hilary Burrage about female genital mutilation (FGM), a harmful traditional practice which occurs in both ‘developing’ and ‘developed’ countries across the globe. The book, published in early 2016 by New Holland Publishers, is available from bookstores and sellers everywhere, including via…
Genital Mutilation Among Iranian Women
Circumcision of Women Continues in Six Iranian Provinces Genital Mutilation Among Iranian Women Niusha Saremi Iran is among the countries where female genital mutilation continues to be performed in some geographic regions. Such practices have become accepted as a form of violence against women, acts that sometimes result in death. On Saturday July 11th, Iran’s…
Annual Report 2015 out
Read in our annual report 2015 about our networking and advocacy work last year and the many activities taking place in Iran.